Top 10 Most Recommended WordPress Plugins
As the world is getting digital day by day, Everything is going online from food services to laundry services from room cleaning to room designing services. Everything is now available now on The internet either in the form of Smartphone Application or in the form of CMS website. For Introducing your business online, The very first thing you need is a Website. A website is primarily a collection of Web pages. For every Website, Blog is most important thing for marketing that website. These days the most common CMS platform used by website developers is Word-press for designing websites. Today Word-press has a user base of more than 1 million users across the globe who are using word-press as a website development platform.
10 Plugins that you should use for your WordPress website
Yoast SEO is one of the most common and most rending plugin used by developers for SEO purpose of your website. It is a fully fledged plugin for SEO of your WordPress website and is developed by Team Yoast previously this plugin was known as WordPress SEO by Yoast. The Best and most important factor bout this plugin is you can see the preview o everything from snippet to Meta Description of your post. Along with that, you can also focus on particular keyword used in your content. It also allows you to check that whether you used focus keyword properly in between the headings or you need to optimize it more. This SEO plugin is available in Two versions one is free version while other is paid version at the cost of 89$.
Disqus is a commenting platform that are used by website developers. Increasing of Disqus is increasing day by day for your WordPress website because of its attractive graphics and secure login. Only People who are verified by Disqus, Facebook Users and Google services users are allowed to use Disqus for commenting. For website Developers, it is the best plugin for creating community and engage users around your website. It is developed by Team Disqus with more than 2 million Downloads since its inception.
These Days Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are flooded with users. Almost every Website or blog must be active on at least one Social Platform. Thus, Social Media Platform is one of the best plugins for optimizing and connecting your social media pages with your website. Social Media Feather Plugin provides you the option of Social Sharing of Content and following your blog or website on Social Media Platforms. It is a free plugin that provides the option of connecting your website with more than 10 social media platforms.
Contact form 7 is another WordPress plugin that is used for the purpose of designing contact forms with simple markup. This form provides a variety of options like Akismet, AJAX Supporting, Captcha Verification etc. It is rated 5 stars by most of the WordPress users. The popularity of this plugin is reflected by its active downloads which are more than 1 million. This plugin is compatible with WordPress versions more than 4.2
Akismet is WordPress plugin that provides anti-spamming service. Akismet automatically checks your comments and identify spam comments. It takes out the pain of identifying spam comments. It is a paid plugin and you need an API Key to use Akismet. You can easily select your Akismet depending upon the requirement. Once you get Akismet API key you can use it on your Website.
Jetpack is one of the richest plugins in terms of features it is providing. It provides you the facility to track visitors, Security of your blog from spamming, image optimization, Along with that it also provides you the option of Custom CSS where you can design or modify CSS of your WordPress as per your need and requirements.
TablePress is an important WordPress plugin that is used to design tables in your WordPress websites. Tables are widely used in any website and is used for the variety of purposes. TablePress is a free plugin that is easy to use for designing your WordPress website.
Quick Adsense is an Ads management plugin that allow you to paste 10 Ad scripts on your blog. Though Google Supports supports only 3 Ad scripts per page, you can use other Adscripts as well. With the help of this plugin, you can place ads in between the posts also.
Backup Buddy is a paid plugin that is used to create the backup of your blog. It provides the automatic update of your blog. It comes in 4 plans starting from 80$ to 250$. This plugin also works with Blogger.
From SEO point of view, your site loading speed matters a lot. It should be low as much as possible. Thus, W3 Total cache plugin helps you to optimize your WordPress website by automatically clearing the cache of our website, compressing the size of the page. You can use this plugin at free of cost.
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