5 Tips to Increase Your Productivity at Work
There are several ways to increase your productivity at work. People start working on different works to earn their living. When you are doing a work and you are not able to reach what you want, then you need to check the following.
Task is a part of your work that is done for the day. So you will be having bigger tasks and smaller tasks for a day. First you need to categorize the tasks on priority, time or dead line. If you are doing a task that has less priority first then you will be ending up in doing nothing. You need to continuously monitor the task you are working on. How much work is done, what is pending and estimate the time for completing the pending task?
Break you task and complete it in parts, but don’t skip the task or delay the task. If you find a task in front of you and you cannot solve it in a whole then you can break it and distribute to your colleagues or you can freelance it to someone. Taking a break at you work is mandatory. If you are continuously you will be gaining all long term diseases rather instead of money. So every two hours in your work you need to take a break, stretch your legs, neck and then have a cup of coffee which helps in boosting your nervous system. You can close your eyes for a while if you are working in front of a system. The only thing you can earn if you are not taking a break is obesity. If you are having some long term tasks to complete you need to take a break and schedule what to do and what not to do.
Meetings are just headaches until the topic is very serious. You can’t sit in the A.C room have a sip of tea and waste your time on meetings. If you can solve a problem using your mail or through a phone call why would you prefer going to a meeting. Meeting will eat all your time and makes you lag from your work. Hours and hours of meeting on asking about the opinions and decisions will be a great loss for you when you have lot of work to do. The technology is changed you can go onto a video chat with the people or you can even send an email. So better find the necessity of a meeting before you are fixing an appointment for a meeting.
We are not robots. We cannot do many tasks at a time. If you are planning to travel on a sea by keeping leg on each boat you will be sinking. So when you are performing a task you need to complete it first and then you need to start the other task. Multitasking will never give you clarity. You will be messing all the projects and finally ends up in confusion. You can’t talk in your phone while you are seriously working or you can’t chat while you are working on a document. Multi tasking will never improve your performance at work.
Love what you do
The final and the most important thing you need to keep in your mind are to love the work what you are doing. You can take a horse to a pond but you cannot make it drink if it doesn’t like. So every time you do a work you need to feel the interest in doing that work. Some people work for whole week and wait for Sunday and some work on Sunday and will be taking leave all days. There is a difference. When you don’t like the job that you are doing you will never ever show interest in that task and this will make your work a failure. You need to think about the work, you need to think about the result what you are going to get after completion of the task. When you love your work you will find interest in completing the work fast and your performance levels will shoot up. You need to work like you are eating your favorite food.
Featured photo credit: PicJumbo via picjumbo.com
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