7 Easy Ways to Speed Up WordPress blog
WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms available in the world of digital marketing. Mostly all the WordPress users are satisfied with the services WordPress provide to its users. WordPress has better SEO results and interactive interface at the Back-end. At the front end, they have better themes options and interactive display optimization. Though there are some WordPress developers who are good in designing though they end at sluggish results of web designing. The one reason behind this is your website speed.
Website loading speed is a crucial factor while deciding the success of the website in terms of visitors satisfaction, and SEO factors. Due to intense competition in the market if your site loading time is longer as compared to other websites then it is very clear that user would definitely polarize from your website to some other website. It results in poor conversion and success rate of your website will decline for sure.
Along with that Google also added site loading speed as another parameter in SEO ranking of your websites. With Aim to provide better search results, Google introduced site loading as a decisive factor in the ranking of your websites.
After realizing the criticalness of Site Speed, we will discuss 10 ways that would help you in boost site speed of your WordPress blog.
1) Hosting Services:
Hosting services play a major and important role while deciding the site loading speed. If you are using shared hosting with low bandwidth plan then your website loading time would be definitely low. Though if you are using VPS plans and with high bandwidth then your site loading time would definitely increase significantly. The logic behind this theory is very clear, Website is hosted a server space in shared hosting server space provided is low thus always try with those hosting services that provide better server space and bandwidth. Lower bandwidth services are not able to handle heavy traffic and results in site breakdown.
2) Website Theme:
WordPress provides you 15 best solid themes that are lesser in size as compared to other themes. Your theme size also plays an important role in loading. More the size more the loading time. Thus always try to use those themes that have least size. Besides, Don’t use Nulled themes while designing WordPress websites because Nulled themes always contain cheat codes that can further result in the hacking of your website and further results in deletion of websites.
3) Caching Plugin:
Use cache plugin that automatically your cache of your website and result in significantly reduces site loading speed of your WordPress blog. The best plugin used by the most of WordPress developers is W3 Total Cache. Cache files are those junk files that created automatically in your WordPress site. They are of no use and acquire unnecessary space. Cache plugins are those plugins who simply clear the cache files of your website that help in reducing the site loading time significantly.
4) Optimized images:
Use those images are that are less in size. images that are higher in size results in faster loading time. Thus always use images that are low in size. It would not affect the interactive nature of your website so you don’t need to worry about that. Before selecting the image check the size of an image and its extension usually images with jpg and gif extension are lesser in size while images in PNG format are more in size.
5) Optimization Of Homepage:
While designing your WordPress website always try to optimize your homepage as much as possible. Try to optimize your homepage with the images of lesser size, Necessary plugins etc. Alwong with that use zip file instead of fully fledged coding file. Zip file reduces the size of images by more than 40% without affecting the performance. Thus always try to optimize the homepage of your website in best possible way.
6) Pingback and Trackback:
Turn off Pingback and Trackback on your website, Whenever anyone mention your website on their website pingback and trackback notify and acts as an extra burden you check that notification. In that case just do turn off Pingback and Trackback it would not affect your link building. It will just turn off the notifications and reduce your website loading speed. It might look tough and complicated though it is very easy in nature and easy to execute.
7) Replace PHP with Static HTML:
PHP is heavier as compared to Static HTML thus it would definitely need more space and more time to load due to file size, Thus always try to replace PHP pages with static HTML pages. Due to small file size they will easy to load and will reduce the site loading time.
To reduce your site loading time there is very simple logic and science works, Anything that is big in size will take more time to load and will increase the time, While anything with small size will load easily, Thus always try to use those things in your websites that are small in size. Anything in your website you think is unnecessary or can be replaced with the something lesser in size. Then just replace it without any second thought and definitely reduce your site loading time..
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