10 Best Blogging Platforms on the Internet in 2016
CMS’s are available in dozens out there. Be it any type of site you have, there would definitely be one that is perfect for your website. But, a problem with lot of developers and designers is that, they are not spending much time on learning and understanding CMS. They are just learning either one or two and then they are using this for all of their sites without knowing that this is not at all the right way to do. So, below is the list of CMS that are in use a lot. All of them have different features and also different use.
Top 10 Best CMS for Blogging
- WordPress : Since few year, a debate is going on “whether WordPress should be considered a best CMS or not as it is also a platform for the bloggers” ? But, with time, it has been proven that WordPress is also being used for various non – blogging websites as well. WordPress has a lot of features. It has a huge themes availability options, also lots of plugins & widgets which make it very useful to use. It have a very active community of its own and one can also find tutorials available very easily on different websites making it very easy to learn.It is very user friendly and One can easily get paid and free content. Through its wide variety of plugins, it has become a very wide social networking platform and an eCommerce site.
- JOOMLA : A lot of well known companies like that of Harvard. MTV, Citibank have been using this CMS. It has a lot of features like that of inventory control, business directories and many more. It also has a very active developer community. Due to some of this reason one can easily find tutorials and all the information very easily. A number of plugins are also available. A lots of themes are also available but the quality is not that great when compared to others. Most important fact, it has around more than 700 extensions.
- Drupal : A lot of high profile companies have been using it. It will help you in organizing your content and also will help you in building internal and external sites. More than 6000 Add-ons are there, which means one can easily spend more and more time on content and design.
- Expressionengine : It is a hybrid of commercial and open source software. Community plugins are also there. Their main focus is on security, by providing the best in terms of security. Also, one would never come across any sort of restrictions when it comes to designing a site.
- Textpattern : It is very flexible in nature. It is also very easy to use and also very easy to customize. It is also very user friendly. It does not have a variety of themes and templates like that of the one mentioned above. Around 700 plugins are there to use. The plugin is flooded with a variety of categories like that of articles, custom fields, archives and many more. Because of the availability of these plugins, the functions of Textpattern tend to increase to a lot more extent. The best part is that it can used for sites of all sizes.
- Contao : A number of built-in modules are there. Some of them are calendar modules, news/blog module and many more additional modules are also available. One can design site in any manner they want to. The built in modules are really good. Not much themes are available, and those that are available, they are not of good quality. It is good for smaller sites.
- Silverstripe : Those designers who are better with code, this is the one for you. Tutorials are also available for the beginners. Also, a number of modules are also available. One can also easily set up their own content approval process, and also publish the content on the respective dates. It could be very useful for all those who have multiple authors and they just want to access only a particular part of site. Designers are also allowed to use HTML and CSS as and when they want. But, the themes that are available are not of high quality.
- Umbraco : It is very easy to get started. A lot of information is easily available. One can also manage content on their own. Tutorials in the form of free and paid are also available. It is also very flexible in nature.
- Concretes : Besides being a CMS, one can also use it to develop apps. It also has a very active community. There are a lot of good themes are available, but all of them are paid.
- Cushycms : It is very easy and one get started whenever they want to. One can easily edit their own content, this makes life very easy for the clients. One can also design the website in the way they want it to.
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